Good and Bad Reasons to Get a Dog
Why does your family want a dog?
“Good” Reasons to Get a Dog
Companionship – Dogs, as well as people are social animals that will enjoy your family. The rewards are great if you have the time and energy to devote to your dog. If your dog will be alone for long periods of time, he will not be happy.
Socialization +Exercise - Dogs can be great company and can help people be more active, both your dog and your body will thank you. You can both stay fit!
Children – Dogs help learn compassion, responsibility, patience and negotiation by helping to care for any pet. Be realistic and know that all this will be need extra supervision. Remember that parents are ultimately responsible for the care of the dog.
Companion for Your Existing Dog – Dogs are social creatures and can have more fun with company. But each dog is different, so consult a professional if you are not sure.
Empty Home/Empty Heart – Your last dog has passed away. Without a canine companion, your house doesn’t feel like a home.