Do Some Critical Thinking
Every TV dog training program has some good points and silly ones too. You’ll have to wade through and see what you can use from the show. Here are a few points to consider as you evaluate each episode:
Don’t Try This At Home.
If your TV dog-training program starts out with a disclaimer, watch out! Some TV trainers have skills that may not show through the airwaves, so you’re not going to be able to replicate their results at home. Do you feel comfortable doing it? Is it safe. If the people on TV are being bitten, this is NOT a technique you’ll want to try on your own.
One Size Does Not Fit All!
The same problem may have different causes, so you can’t assume that the miracle trick you observed on TV will work for your dog, and you can’t assume that the technique will be as effective as what you observed on the (edited) TV show. You don’t get that many ‘takes’ in real life.
Sounds of Silence.
As you watch the TV program, try turning off the sound so you’re not over influenced by the narration and dramatic music. Just watch the dogs. Do they seem willing participants in the process or are they stressed, frightened, or being hurt? Is the end result a happy, engaged, and friendly dog or has the dog just shut down and “given up?” You can make some better decisions about whether this method you’re watching is the one for you.